Our Approved Premises

Elizabeth Fry House is a 24 bed Approved Premises for women. We are located in Reading, in the south of England, and provide placements to women from across England and Wales.
Elizabeth Fry House is a trauma informed environment, where women can access holistic support from a skilled and experienced staff team. Whilst women come to us because of their own involvement in the criminal justice system, we recognise they have experienced trauma, violence and abuse from others.
First and foremost we want Elizabeth Fry House to be a safe place for all women.

Thanks for having me! Thank you for all of your support! It’s been amazing. Thank you to all the staff at Elizabeth Fry. Thank you to each and every one here. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Sarah, Ex-Resident
Whilst at Elizabeth Fry House, all residents have an allocated Placement Supervisor who they meet with regularly. Women can also access a programme of one-to-one and group sessions delivered by staff at Elizabeth Fry House and partner agencies.
Support for residents at Elizabeth Fry House is based around the nine pathways identified in the Corston Report (2007):
Education, Training and Employment
Drugs and Alcohol
Finance, Benefits & Debt
Children, Families & Relationships
Attitudes, Thinking & Behaviour
Abuse & Violence
Sex Working
We provide an environment where residents’ behaviour and any additional restrictions included as part of their licence or bail conditions can be monitored.
This is achieved through 24-hour staffing, CCTV monitoring, room searches, random drug and alcohol testing, curfews and monitoring of additional licence conditions.
Staff from Elizabeth Fry House work closely with the Probation Service and Thames Valley Police and make a significant contribution to the assessment and management of risk of harm and the MAPPA process.

The Charity fundraises to provide additional support to women at Elizabeth Fry House. These include a welcome pack on arrival, Primark vouchers, move-on packages as well as access to the following specialist support on site:
Counselling sessions
Yoga sessions
Therapeutic Gardening sessions